The Feasibility and Clinical Value of Establishing Hospital Capacity Command Centres
- Visual Abstract English (PDF)
- Visual Abstract French (PDF)
- TAU report
Hospitals at Home: Guiding Principles for Establishing Virtual Acute Care Wards :
- TAU report English (PDF)
- TAU report French (PDF)
The CardioMEMSTM pulmonary artery pressure monitor for preventing heart failure-related hospitalisations in patients with previously diagnosed heart failure
Update of TAU Reports #63 and #76: Single-dose Intraoperative Radiotherapy Using Intrabeam® for Early-stage Breast cancer
Update of TAU Reports #77 and #78: Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Heart Failure and Atrioventricular Heart Block
Evaluating the value of a prehabilitation clinic for surgical patients at the MUHC
Magnetic resonance imaging-guided radiotherapy for cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy at the MUHC
- What is the added clinical value of preoperative brain natriuretic peptide (BNP/NTproBNP) in predicting post-operative cardiac complications in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery across the MUHC RUIS?
- Evaluating the value of apolipoprotein B testing for the assessment and management of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease at the MUHC RUISSS
INTRABEAM Single-dose Intraoperative Radiotherapy Using Intrabeam® for Early-stage Breast cancer: An Update Report #76
Islet Transplantation Islet transplantation in patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (Report#66)
Excimer Laser Excimer laser atherectomy for uncrossable coronary lesions and improperly deployed coronary stents. (Report#75)
RITUXIMAB [.pdf] The effectiveness and safety of rituximab (anti-CD20) in neurologic autoimmune diseases.(Report #64)
TAVI [.pdf] Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients with aortic stenosis. Update of Report No. 45. (Report #70)
RENAL DENERVATION [.pdf] Renal Denervation for Resistant Hypertension .(Report #72)
DROTRECOGIN ALFA [.pdf] Drotrecogin Alfa(Activated) in Severe Sepsis (Report #58)
DERMAL MATRIX [.pdf] Evaluation of acellular dermal matrix for breast reconstruction: An Update(Report #59)
VIDEO CAPSULE ENDOSCOPY [.pdf] Video capsule endoscopy for obscure GI bleeding and Crohn's Disease (Update of Report 7).(Report #60)
KTP [.pdf] 532 nm KTP Laser for vocal fold (Report #61)
PROCALCITONIN [.pdf] Use of serum procalcitonin levels in treatment decisions for adult patients in the Intensive Care Unit.(Report #62)
INTRABEAM [.pdf] Single-dose Intraoperative Radiotherapy Using Intrabeam® for Early-stage Breast cancer: A Health Technology Assessment.(Report #63)
TAU IMPACT REPORT [.pdf] The Impact of Reports of The Technology Assessment Unit of the McGill University Health Centre.(Report #65)
HYBRID OPERATING ROOM [.pdf] The Hybrid Operating Room. Should one be available for Cardiovascular-Thoracic procedures in the MUHC? A brief report. (Report #67)
BALLOON SINUPLASTY [.pdf] Balloon Catheter Dilation for Chronic Rhinosinusitis. (Report #68)
EPIDISK [.pdf] Hyaluronic Acid Fat Graft Myringoplasty or Epidisk Tympanoplasty (ET).(Report #69)
Blood Irradiation [.pdf] X-ray versus gamma irradiation of blood components for prevention of transfusion-associated graft versus host disease: A Brief Report (Report #51)
Fiducial Markers [.pdf] Fiducial markers for improving treatment margins in radiotherapy for prostate cancer.(Report #52)
VerifyNow [.pdf] Use of the VerifyNow point of care test to detect non-responsiveness to clopidogrel and aspirin.(Report #53)
Probiotics The use of Lactobacillus probiotics in the Prevention of Antibiotic Associated Clostridium Difficile Diarrhea. Update (Report #54)
DES Drug Eluting Stents. What should be the indications for their use at the MUHC? (Report #55)
SSD Subglottic Secretion Drainage Endotracheal Tubes for Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. (Report #56)
BinaxNOW The clinical effectiveness and cost of a pneumococcal urine antigen immunochromatographic test (BinaxNOW Streptococcus pneumoniae) in the diagnosis of community acquire Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia in patients admitted to hospital (Report #57)
Collatamp_Colorectal Surgery [.pdf] Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a gentamicin-loaded collagen sponge as an adjuvant antibiotic prophylaxis for colorectal surgery (Report #41)
Ultrafiltration [.pdf] Efficacy, safety and cost of ultrafiltration for the management of acute decompensated heart failure.(Report #47)
NPWT [.pdf] Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)Update to Report 19 (Report #48)
Argon Beam Coagulation [.pdf] Argon beam coagulation in orthopaedic, urological and thoracic surgery at the MUHC: A Brief Report (Report #49)
Aortic Valve Bypass [.pdf] Aortic valve bypass (apicoaortic conduit) in adult degenerative aortic stenosis (Report #50)
CARMUSTINE (GLIADEL WAFERS) [.pdf] L'utilisation des implants Carmustine (Gliadel wafer) chez les patients attients de gliome malin (Report #35)
OPPORTUNITY COSTS [.pdf] Opportunity Costs Associated with Technology Expansion in the MUHC(Report #36)
IMPELLA [.pdf] The Impella® percutaneous ventricular assist device (Report #37)
DEEP_BRAIN_STIMULATION [.pdf] Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): Clinical efficacy, safety and cost compared to medical therapy for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease (Report #38)
RFA AND LIVER CANCER [.pdf] Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma(Report #39)
DERMA MATRIX [.pdf] Clinical efficacy and cost of Allogenic Acellular Dermal Matrix (AADM) in implant-based breast reconstruction of post mastectomy cancer patients (Report #40)
MATRIX_COILS [.pdf] Use of Matrix Coils in the Treatment of Cerebro-vascular Aneurysms: An Update(Report #42)
COLLATAMP_CARDIAC [.pdf] Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of Collatamp-G for infection prophylaxis in cardiac surgery (Report #43)
PROBIOTICS [.pdf] The use of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of Clostridium Difficile diarrhea: An Update (Report #44)
TAVI [.pdf] Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) at the MUHC: a Health Technology Assessment (Report #45)
BARRETTs_ESOPHAGUS [.pdf] Radiofrequency ablation for treatment of Barrett's esophagus: A systematic review and cost analysis (Report #46)
Liquid Based Cytology [.pdf] Adoption de la cytologie en milieu liquide: Évaluation technologique (June 2008 Report #TAU-DÉTMIS05 )
Wait_Times_Radiology [.pdf] Wait Times at the MUHC. No. 4. Diagnostic Imaging Revisited. Adult Hospitals of the MUHC. Feb 29, 2008 (Report #32)
Impact of TAU reports [.pdf] Impact of TAU reports. Feb 1, 2008 (Report #33)
Coblation [.pdf] Comparison of Coblation Tonsillectomy and Electrocautery Tonsillectomy in Pediatric Patients.(November 2008 #Report #34)
Drotrecogin Alfa [.pdf] Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in severe sepsis. March 2007 (Report #29)
Knee Replacement [.pdf] The use of image-free computer-assisted systems in total knee replacement surgeries. March 2007 (Report #28)
Machine Perfusion [.pdf] Pulsatile machine perfusion compared to cold storage in kidney preservation. May 2007 (Report #30)
Wait Times. Fracture Management [.pdf] Wait times at the MUHC. No: 3 Fracture Management. May 4 2007 (Report #31)
Wait Times No. 2 [.pdf] Wait times at the MUHC. 2. Selected Divisions of the Departments of Medicine and Surgery. Supplement to Report No 26 "Wait times at the MUHC 1". Sept 2006 (Report #27)
Wait Times No. 1 [.pdf] Wait times at the MUHC. 1. Diagnostic imaging, Joint replacement, Cancer care, Sight Restoration, Cardiac care Sept 2006 (Report #26)
Needlestick [.pdf] Should the McGill University Health Centre use safety devices to reduce needlestick injuries associated with intravascular infusions? Report Update. May 23 2006 (Report #25)
Mitoxantrone [.pdf] The Use of Mitoxantrone in the Treatment of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Report Update. May 2006 (Report #24)
HER2 [.pdf] Testing for HER2 Positive Breast Cancer: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. May 2006 (Report #23)
Botulinum Toxin A [.pdf] Botulinum Toxin A for the Treatment of Refractory Chronic Anal Fissures and Internal Anal Sphincter Achalasia in Pediatric Patients. December 2005 (Report #22)
Cerebral Microdialysis [.pdf] Cerebral Microdialysis as a tool for neuromonitoring following traumatic brain injury. August 2005 (Report #21)
Spinal Monitoring [.pdf] Use of Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring During Spinal Surgery. July 2005 (Report #20)
V.A.C.® [.pdf] Vacuum-Assisted Wound Closure Therapy (V.A.C.®). July 2005 (Report #19)
Stem Cells [.pdf] Transplantation of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Unrelated Donors in Adult Patients at the MUHC. Final Version April 20th, 2005 (Revised: 25/SEP/2006) (Report #17)
Probiotics [.pdf] The Use of Probiotics in the Prevention and Treatment of Clostridium Difficile Diarrhea. Updated March 2005 (Report #18)
Matrix coils [.pdf] The Use of Matrix Coils in the Treatment of Cerebro-vascular Aneurysms. June 2004 (Report #16)
Gastric Banding [.pdf] The Gastric Banding Procedure. An Evaluation. April 2004 (Report #15)
GLIADEL WAFERS [.pdf] Use of carmustine implants(GLIADEL wafer) in patients with malignant glioma at the McGill University Health Centre. January 2004 (Report #14)
Biventricular Pacing [.pdf] The use of biventricular pacemakers at the Mcgill University Health Centre. January 2004 (Report #13)
Low molecular weight heparin [.pdf] Should the MUHC use low-molecular-weight heparin in inpatient treatment of deep vein thrombosis with or without pulmonary embolism? Feb. 2003 (Report #5)
Colorectal stents [.pdf] Should the MUHC approve the use of colorectal stents? Feb. 2003 (Report #6)
Capsule Endoscopy [.pdf] Should the MUHC Approve the Video Capsule Endoscopy System in the Diagnosis of Small Bowel Abnormalities? Mar. 2003 (Report #7)
Eprex [.pdf] Eprex and pure red cell aplasia. What should be MUHC policy for hemodialysis patients? Mar. 2003 (Report #8)
Activated Protein C [.pdf] Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in severe sepsis? Informal HTA. April 2003 (Report #9)
Coated Stents in PCI [.pdf] An evaluation of drug eluting (coated) stents for percutaneous coronary interventions;What should their role be at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC)? July 2003 (Report #10)
ICDs [.pdf] Use of The Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) at the MUHC. September 2003 (Report #11)
Esophageal Stents at the MUHC [.pdf] The Use of Self-Expanding Metallic Stents in the Palliation of Dysphagia in Patients with Malignant Esophageal Strictures. September 2003 (Report #12)
Needlestick [.pdf] Should the McGill University Health Center replace the Jelco/Cathlon catheter by the ProtectIVPlus catheter for intravenous infusions? February 2002 (Report #1)
Hepatitis C [.pdf] Should the McGill University Health Center initiate an antiviral treatment program for patients with Chronic Hepatitis C? Oct. 2002 (Report #2)
Mitoxantrone in multiple sclerosis [.pdf] Should the McGill University Health Center use mitoxantrone in the treatment of multiple sclerosis? Nov. 2002 (Report #3)
GP2b3a inhibitors for PCI [.pdf] An evaluation of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors during percutaneous coronary interventions at the MUHC: Is there a difference between the drugs? Dec. 2002 (Report #4)