All institutions in Quebec’s health and social services network must have a patients’ committee.
The MUHC Users' (Patients’) Committee is a group of elected volunteers dedicated to helping people who seek care and services at the four MUHC hospital sites, as well as at the CHSLD Camille Lefebvre long-term-care facility.
We also help the family members and caregivers of those patients.

As a patient, you have rights that are guaranteed by law.
You also have responsibilities as a patient.
There are many things you can do to make sure you receive the best possible care.

The Users' (Patients’) Committee recognizes the efforts of all MUHC staff who work to provide the best possible care to patients.
Our committee receives many thank you notes from grateful patients and family members, and we are happy to share them.

The Users' (Patients') Committee has pamphlets, posters and bookmarks. Contact us for more information.
In the media
The Users' (Patients’) Committee speaks up on behalf of the MUHC patient community!