Patient partnership
One of the fundamental principles of patient-centered care is involving patients and their families in all levels of their care. At the MUHC, patient partnership goes beyond getting input from patients about their care but seeks to truly engage patients in decision-making.
This means:
- partnering with patients and their families throughout their care
- engaging patients and families in planning and service design at all levels in the organization
Approche adapté aux personnes agées (AAPA)
As of 2015 there are more people over the age of 65 in Canada than under the age of 14 and the number of older Canadians is rising yearly. In Quebec, 45% of all hospital days are used by patients who are 65 years or older. This means that we need to pay special attention to the needs of this population.
Did you know:

AAPA is a Quebec wide approach which strives to minimize functional decline and delirium in our older hospitalized patients.
At the MUHC, AAPA is a team approach. All staff members have a role to play in screening, assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Weekly multidisciplinary team “huddles” looking at targeted AAPA interventions and brainstorming for ideas for continuous quality improvement are conducted on in-patient units.
Here are a few simple things that you can do to help in addition to your usual interventions:
- Make sure that your patient’s call bell is within reach before leaving their room
- Make sure that your patient has water within reach before leaving their room
- Make sure that your patient’s telephone is within reachbefore leaving their room
- Avoid clutter in the patient’s room
- Encourage your patient to wear their glasses, hearing aids and dentures as applicable
- Make sure to ask your patient if they need anything before leaving their room
**Remember in all interactions ensure your patient’s privacy and dignity