Counselling & Support

The psychosocial journey an individual or couple follows when navigating their way through the landscape of infertility and its treatment is complicated and often misunderstood by the patients themselves and their family and friends.

The philosophy of our clinic is that we treat the person, not simply the medical problem and therefore are concerned about all aspects of health, including the mind, body and spiritual. Therefore our specialised infertility counsellors will work with patients to ease the emotional burden of infertility and its treatment and will work with you to find better ways to cope with the many facets of this life challenge and improve overall quality of life.  

Stress management strategies, couple and sex counselling, complementary therapies, and decison-making regarding alternative family building options with donor gametes, are some of the areas that can be discussed with a counsellor. Our goal is to better prepare patients psychologically for treatment and to have them feel empowered and fortified while they are patients with us.