Our Team

Our team members are:

Surgeons Specialities
Dr. Gregory Berry, division chief  Foot & Ankle + Trauma
Dr. Ahmed Aoude Oncology
Dr. Jake Barralet Research
Dr. Mitchell Bernstein Trauma & Limb Deformity
Dr. Mark Burman Sports
Dr. Lisbet Haglund Research
Dr. Adam Hart Hip & Knee Arthroplasty
Dr. Edward Harvey  Trauma
Dr. Peter Jarzem Spine
Dr. Paul Martineau  Sports
Dr. Jean Ouellet Spine
Dr. Thierry Pauyo Adult Hip Arthroscopy
Dr. Rudy Reindl Trauma & Spine
Dr. Max Talbot Hip & Knee Arthroplasty + Hip Arthroscopy
Dr. Michael Tanzer  Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
Dr. Robert Turcotte Oncology
Dr. Michael Weber  Spine



Training the next generation

Learn more about the Residency Program.