Instructions for Directed Sperm Donation

Becoming a directed sperm donor involves several steps. The Checklist for Directed Sperm Donation given by the nurse, will help you understand the process, which can take 6-8 months.

All steps apply to the sperm donor except for steps 4 & 9 which are specific to the recipient.

Note: potential sperm donors are required to complete a series of tests. Although initial tests may be done in an outside laboratory, we recommend that tests be done at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC Glen Site). Furthermore, pre-donation tests (i.e., tests done on the day of donation) must be done at the MUHC Reproductive Centre.


1. Open a file at our clinic

In order to open a file at our clinic, sperm donors must complete the Registration Form and return it by email to [email protected] In the subject line of the email, please write: NEW PATIENT FILE FOR SPERM DONOR.

2. Initial consultation with the physician

This consultation will provide you with information on what sperm donation entails and the responsibilities of being a sperm donor.  The necessary appointments, tests and forms will be explained at this time. The following steps must be completed before your follow-up consultation with the physician:

All patients participating in third-party reproduction must consult with a psychologist. The psychologist's role is to provide support throughout the decision-making process, ensuring you are well-prepared for the journey ahead.

Following your initial appointment at the MUHC Reproductive Centre, we invite you to schedule a session with a psychologist who specializes in third-party reproduction.

Typically, the recipient reimburses the sperm donor for the consultation with the psychologist.

The semen analysis is done at the MUHC Reproductive Centre.

A requisition is needed if you are doing this test in another clinic.

Instructions for the semen analysis appointment.

Blood and urine tests for infectious diseases are part of the basic screening. These tests are done at:

Glen Site Blood Test Centre
1001 Decarie Blvd.
2nd floor of Block D (south side) Room D 02.2307

Bring the test requisition to your appointment.

In preparation for your follow-up consultation with the physician, please print, complete, and sign the following documents:



3. Follow-up consultation with the physician.

This consultation will be to review the results of initial tests and screening. Please be sure to bring all documents listed under 2.4 Treatment Forms to the appointment.


4. Payment (by recipient)

The payment can be made once the physician has confirmed that the donor can proceed with sperm banking.

When you are ready to pay for Direct Sperm Donation, please send an email to [email protected] 

Required information for making a payment (to be included in your email):

  • Your hospital card number OR your full name and date of birth
  • Service for which you are paying: 
    • Direct Sperm Donation (includes freezing of 4 samples within a six-month period) - $2,500
      Additional samples within the same six-month period - $350 each

For any requests for payment over the phone, the Accounting Office is available to take your payment on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please email us your availability for those days and hours.

Please note that you can always make a payment in person at the clinic at the reception from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

When estimating the full cost of treatment associated with direct sperm donation, please refer to the following documents:



>>> Reminder: Recipients will need to see their physician once all samples are banked. Consider booking this appointment ahead of time. 


5. Physical Examination

Once the recipient has consented to and paid for treatment, the donor will be given an appointment to see the urologist for a physical examination, which must be done (maximum 30 days) before the first donation. For additional samples, the physical examination is valid 6 months.


6. First Sperm Banking Appointment

The first sperm banking appointment needs to be done (within 30 days) following the physical exam. Please contact the Andrology Lab at 514-843-1650 ext. 31882 to schedule this appointment.

On the day of the appointment, you will do a blood and urine test for infectious diseases (valid for 7 days) and complete the Pre-Donation Screening Form (Read Only PDF)

If you have not submitted all the forms listed in 2.4 Treatment Forms, please print, complete and sign, and bring the missing document(s) to the appointment. 


7. Day of Sperm Banking

Instructions for producing a semen sample

You will receive the test requisition and the Pre-Donation Screening Form on the day of the appointment.


8. Freezing Additional Samples

The cost of direct sperm donation includes the freezing of 4 samples within a six-month period. 


9. RECIPIENT - Follow-up consultation with physician

During this consultation, you and your physician will sign a Communication of Risk (Read Only PDF) based on your donor's most recent tests and screening forms. Please take the time to read this document before your appointment

Bring the following documents to your appointment:


Last Updated: Octobre 15, 2024