Prevention and Early Intervention for Psychosis

What is psychosis?
Psychosis is a term that defines a break from reality, or in other words when an individual’s reality and how they experience it, differs from how the majority of others see that reality.

Our Services
- Rapid assessment and initiation of treatment
- Integrated Approach
- Community-based Case Management
- Family and Individual Psychoeducation
- Group Interventions
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Cognitive Remediation Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Continous Case Review
- RTP Program, a peer support-based program

Screening assessment for eligible candidates
The screening clinician will respond to the patient or referral source within 5 working days (Most often within 48 hours). If there is any indication that the person may be experiencing psychotic symptoms, a screening interview will be offered.
About PEPP
We all have specialities that we combine to support patients.
Psychiatrist: Provides assessment of psychosis and other mental illnesses. Formulates a diagnosis and works with the patients and the treatment team to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
Case managers (Can be a Nurse, a Social Worker or an Occupational Therapist): Main person that coordinates care, support with psychological issues, perform community visits to check on mental health, evaluate progress, and support with specific issues - e.g. outreach, crisis situations or support realization of a goal.
Social worker: support for families, involved with: legal, placement, crisis situations, etc.

Entering Dr. M and Toni's (the nurse's) offices not only saved me but made me more confident and stronger than the person I was. With both their constant support and expertise this program saves lives
We are so fortunate to have a world class Psychiatrist and early psychosis visionary in Dr. Margolese. Our loved one has been in Dr. Margolese’s and his PEPP program’s excellent care for the past years, giving our family pragmatic solutions and real hope for a healthier, happier and more productive life. Dr. Margolese is very well respected for his depth of knowledge, caring and rational approach to youth and young adult mental health challenges. Dr. Margolese’s careful, creative and compassionate clinical approach to diagnosing and treating our loved one was most effective while always involving our family. Our heartfelt message to Dr. Margolese and everyone involved at PEPP; we are eternally grateful!
Josh, Laurie & Max Reim