Music Therapy - Palliative Care

Music therapy in Palliative Care 

Jacques, 53 years old, was a patient on the Palliative Care Unit. He had always been active and was determined to live the end of his life to the fullest. When the music therapist visited, Jacques and his friends chose songs, sang, laughed, cried, and spoke of the wonderful times they had shared.

♪ Promotes reminiscence and life-review  

♪ Supports meaningful interaction 

At night however, Jacques had trouble sleeping; he felt lonely and anxious. Jacques shared his worries with the music therapist and together they created a CD for night-time listening, integrating ocean sounds with soothing music and the image of relaxing on the beach with his friends. This comforted Jacques and helped him sleep.  

♪ Reduces anxiety and promotes relaxation  


Endnotes: Music Therapy in Palliative Care

Music therapy in palliative care

Music Therapy in (Adult) Palliative/Hospice Care: A Selected Bibliography, 2001 – 2018. Compiled by Deborah Salmon, MA, MTA