Appointments are required in all clinics.
To request an appointment
Infectious Diseases Clinics
- Patients requesting an appointment must have a referral from a physician except for patients who need to be evaluated for sexually transmitted diseases
- Please fax your referral to:
514-934-8423 (MGH) or
514-843-1312 (RVH)
- Please call for an appointment:
514-934-8074 (MGH) or
514-843-1611 (RVH)
J.D. Maclean Centre for Tropical Diseases
- Pre-travel preparation and vaccination clinic
For appointments, please call 514-934-1934, extension 48049
- Post-Travel Tropical Diseases Clinic”
For appointments, please call 514-934-1934, extension 38805
Chronic Viral Illness Service
- Referrals are not required for the CVIS service and appointsments can be made by telephone (514-843-2090) or fax (514-843-2092)