At the MUHC, we provide care to patients who live near our hospitals and patients who live far from them, too. Using telehealth means that sometimes patients can receive our care from the comfort of their home.
Being able to see my pivot nurse from my home rather than spend time in a waiting room has made a great difference to my health. It keeps my treatment on track and keeps me safe.

Telehealth means not having to come to the hospital for an appointment. There are a few ways to get care. Telehealth appointments can be done:
- in a video meeting
- by email (to give patients instructions)
Your doctor or other healthcare provider will tell you which is the best way to meet, depending on your health issue.

Telehealth is expected to play a bigger role in healthcare.
At the MUHC, we are committed to helping our patients by using telehealth whenever we can to improve care.

Our user-friendly system lets you connect easily with doctors and other healthcare professionals.

We have put together a list of resources and answers to questions for telehealth patients.