Using Donor Sperm FAQs

If your doctor has recommended using donor sperm, we invite you to read all the questions related to the process:

All patients involved in third-party reproduction are required to have a consultation with the psychologist. Our psychologist will help you navigate the process of donor sperm selection. After your initial appointment at the MUHC Reproductive Centre, we invite you to schedule an appointment with a psychologist specializing in third-party reproduction.

For eligible patients, the cost of donor sperm is partially covered by Quebec Medicare (RAMQ). The insured services include:


  • Up to six straws (samples) of sperm from a donor bank from distributors approved by Health Canada (one straw at a time for one insemination)

In vitro Fertilization

  • One straw of donor sperm from distributors approved by Health Canada

Visit for more information.

RAMQ eligible patients must pay out-of-pocket the cost of the donor sample and transportation, and then request a partial reimbursement from the MUHC Reproductive Centre:

  • maximum $850 per straw (one straw per treatment cycle at a time)
  • maximum $100 for transport fees 

Note: the reimbursement can take several weeks.

Storage fees will apply if a treatment is paused or canceled for non-medical reasons or if ordering multiple samples at once. Donor sperm storage fees are not covered by RAMQ.  See our price list for the cost of storage.

Patients are responsible for every step of the ordering process, including purchasing and transportation.

Sperm samples must be ordered from distributors who work with donor banks that are in compliance with Health Canada. Consequently, sperm samples should be ordered from one of the following donor banks:

Note: donor sperm fees may vary among sperm banks.

Only one straw is required per treatment cycle. However, patients may choose to purchase additional samples to secure quantities for a specific donor. Patients who are concerned about not having sufficient vials for future siblings can either:

  • reserve more sperm with the bank that originally supplied the sperm, or
  • order additional straws of the same donor sperm in advance and store them at our Centre (storage fees will apply - see question 4).

Patients should place their order with the sperm bank distributor at least 2 weeks before the start of treatment. A treatment cycle may be cancelled if the sperm sample is not received on time.

When selecting a sperm donor, it is important to choose a donor based on the donor's CMV (Cytomegalovirus) status. Information regarding CMV is available on the sperm bank websites.

Once the CMV criteria is met, then other non-essential factors may be considered: 

  • Blood group
  • Physical traits (height, weight, build, hair color, eye color)

Information on the CMV status of all donors is available on their summary profile.

If you are CMV negative, select a donor who is also CMV negative to prevent the small chance of developing CMV during pregnancy and passing it to the developing child.

If you are CMV positive, select either a CMV positive or CMV negative donor.

All patients are screened prior to treatment and can obtain their CMV status or blood group by asking the nurse or physician.

Sperm preparation (washing) is a standard procedure performed on sperm before it can be used. Patients may purchase either washed or unwashed samples; the quality is the same. Washed samples have been prepared by the sperm bank; unwashed samples will be washed by our laboratory.

Open ID release means that the donor agrees to reveal his identity once the offspring reaches 18 years old*. At the time of donation, the donor signs a consent form. Access to donor information is exclusively granted to the offspring upon registration at the sperm bank.

Anonymous donor means that the donor opts not to reveal his identity to the offspring, and their anonymity is safeguarded by the bank. No access to donor identification is permitted. Nevertheless, with the growing accessibility of DNA testing services (e.g. 23andMe) the absolute anonymity of donors may become questionable in the future. 

*As per Quebec law (Bill 12, 542.1) ‘A person born of procreation involving the contribution of a third person, including one under 14 years of age who has obtained the approval of his father and mother, of his parents or of his tutor, has the right to obtain (…) the name of the third person, the information concerning the third person’s profile determined by government regulation and, unless a contact veto bars its disclosure, the information making contact with the third person possible.

Visit for more information on the right to know one's origins in assisted procreation involving a third person.

MUHC Reproductive Centre
888 de Maisonneuve Blvd East
Suite 200
Montreal, QC H2L 4S8

You must contact the sperm bank distributor directly.

Patients are also responsible for confirming that the sample has arrived by calling the MUHC Reproductive Centre Andrology Lab at 514-934-1934 ext.31882, one week before the scheduled procedure.


Liability and responsibility

The MUHC Reproductive Centre is not responsible for the quality or characteristics of the specimen.

Report your Pregnancy/Birth

Every bank maintains its own records of pregnancies and/or births to track donor fertility and control the number of children per donor. This registry also helps in reaching out to you if there is an important health update concerning the donor. Please make sure to inform the donor bank of any pregnancies or births.

If available, you may also consider signing up for a Donor Sibling Registry offered by the bank, which enables siblings and their extended families to connect with each other.