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How can I download the Opal App for cancer patients?

How can I download the Opal App for cancer patients? Opal is an integrated application that allows you to manage your appointments, check- in when you arrive at the hospital and receive a notification when you are being called for your appointment.   This …

Is it possible to have a phone or virtual consultation appointment at an MUHC clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Is it possible to have a phone or virtual consultation appointment at an MUHC clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic? Yes, it is possible. Depending on the reason or urgency of your appointment, your healthcare professional will assess your needs. If your …

What is a virtual consultation (teleconsultation)?

What is a virtual consultation (teleconsultation)? See  Resources for the patient and family  on the Réseau québécois de la télésanté website. …

Will I be given a mask when I arrive at the hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Will I be given a mask when I arrive at the hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic? For more information, visit this page:  Mask wearing guidelines at the McGill University Health …

What if I have symptoms of COVID-19 when I come to the hospital for my hospital appointment?

What if I have symptoms of COVID-19 when I come to the hospital for my hospital appointment? The clinic should have already contacted you to inform you if your appointment is postponed or not. If developed COVID symptoms between the time you are called …

Is my x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT, or other medical imaging appointment cancelled?

Is my x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT, or other medical imaging appointment cancelled? Cancelled patients are put on a waiting list and will be rescheduled by priority by the Medical Imaging Appointment Centre.        …

What about prenatal appointments or women who are giving birth during the COVID-19 outbreak?

What about prenatal appointments or women who are giving birth during the COVID-19 outbreak? During delivery and the subsequent postpartum stay: One (1) parent or dedicated person will be permitted to remain present provided that there is no risk of …

Can I be accompanied for my chemotherapy and radiation appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Can I be accompanied for my chemotherapy and radiation appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic? Cancer patients have immunocompromised systems and all measures must be taken to protect them from acquiring viruses or infections. To protect our patients, …