How do I find a patient admitted through an MUHC Emergency Department?
How do I find a patient admitted through an MUHC Emergency Department? Dial 514 934-1934 and listen to the message. Choose your language and select option 3, an operator will transfer your call at the patient’s location. …
What is the waiting time at MUHC Emergency Departments?
What is the waiting time at MUHC Emergency Departments? Patients are given priority according to the seriousness of their condition and not on a "first-come, first-served" basis. As a result, wait times may vary. Therefore, please do not phone the MUHC …
How does triage in the Emergency Department work?
How does triage in the Emergency Department work? When you arrive, a triage nurse will ask you questions about your health and health concern and assign a priority according to the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS), which ensures that the sickest …
How do I drop someone off at emergency?
How do I drop someone off at emergency? When you arrive at the hospital, follow the “URGENCE/EMERGENCY” signs. There are dedicated drop-off spaces for emergency patients that are adapted for people with reduced mobility. Once you have dropped off the …