MUHC in the Media - March 24, 2025

Revealing the secrets of the microbiota
Revealing the secrets of the microbiota

Prof. Irah King, Senior Scientist at The Institute and Director of the McGill Microbiome Research Centre, discusses the value of analyzing the microbiota to detect health problems. While we lack the knowledge to do this today, advances in research could potentially enable us, within five to ten years, to analyze the microbiota to diagnose diseases, develop personalized treatments and detect predispositions to psychiatric and neurodevelopmental illnesses. La Presse

Measles, a threat to global public health
Measles, a threat to global public health

Dr. Brian Ward, senior scientist at The Institute and co-Director of the MUHC Vaccine Study Centre, commented on the measles outbreaks and decreasing vaccinations rates in the US. CNN

A clinic at home... or almost
A clinic at home... or almost

A first-ever mobile pediatric clinic called DocTocToc has just opened in Montreal's north end to meet the health needs of children aged five and under. It's the initiative of Dr. Rislaine Benkelfat, a pediatrician at the Montreal Children's Hospital. TVA Nouvelles

A new drug to fight prostate cancer
A new drug to fight prostate cancer

In a radio interview with Sabrina Marandola, Dr. Ramy Saleh, medical oncologist at the MUHC and Director of research in oncology, commented on the push to make a new drug available to Quebec patients. He explained that Pluvicto -a drug that stems from a new line of therapy called radioligand therapy- has shown positive impacts on quality and quantity of life for patients with advanced prostate cancer. CBC

How to stop vaping?
How to stop vaping?

Dr. Sean Gilman, a pulmonologist at the MUHC, was on Daybreak Montreal to discuss a new program to help young adults in Quebec quit vaping. CBC

Setting boundaries by saying no
Setting boundaries by saying no

Being flexible, accommodating and wanting to avoid disappointing others are qualities that often push us to accept all requests, even at the expense of our well-being. This tendency to never say no can lead to a loss of direction, fatigue, and a decrease in self-esteem. Jennifer Russell, psychologist and Head of the Psychology Department at the MUHC for adult sites, reminds us that saying no does not mean rejecting the person, but simply refusing the request in question. Listen to her segment on CJAD.