MUHC in the Media - May 6, 2024

Canada's first genetic intervention for frontotemporal dementia
The Neuro has performed its very first neurological gene therapy treatment – a first in adult neurology in Quebec, and a first against dementia in Canada! Interview with Dr. Simon Ducharme, neuropsychiatrist and clinical researcher at The Neuro. Radio-Canada and CJAD.

"Schools must set an example"
The Ministry of Education must act now to ensure that schools offer healthy snacks, health experts are calling for. Dr. Julie St-Pierre, pediatrician at the Montreal Children Hospital, fights against low-quality food aid: "Canada's Food Guide is excellent and applies to everyone - including the school system, which is supposed to teach the basics of healthy habits." La Presse

Divorce is never easy
In her radio column this week, Jennifer Russel, clinical psychologist and head of the MUHC's Department of Psychology (adult sites), points out that divorce can trigger a range of emotions, such as sadness, resentment and anger. Instead of being in a confrontational dynamic with your ex, it's better to devote energy to being kind to yourself and your children. CJAD

Quebec police officer anonymously donates kidney, changes schoolteacher’s life
A police officer on Montreal's South Shore made a selfless decision that changed the life of a schoolteacher living on dialysis. Joanna Love is a Quebec school teacher that was diagnosed with severe kidney disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. Annie Devost is a Longueuil police (SPAL) officer, who wanted to help someone. CTV News interview with Dr. Ahsan Alam, nephrologist and co-director of the MUHC multi-organ transplant program.

For the first time, the avian flu virus (H5N1) has infected cows in the U.S.
Dr. Brian Ward, MUHC microbiologist and infectious disease specialist, says the situation in Canada is not worrisome at the moment, but warrants close monitoring. The infectious disease specialist was interviewed on CBC Radio One's Let's go.

Recognizing women's distress during pregnancy
Deborah Da Costa, a scientist with the Child Health and Human Development Program of the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, has developed a digital solution to help the mental health of pregnant, birthing and postpartum women. She has now received a grant to adapt the platform for women suffering from pregestational diabetes. JDRF