World TB DAY 2015: Spread the word!

Today, March 24 2015 is World TB Day. In spite of what you may think, tuberculosis (TB) is not a disease of yester year. It still kills one person every 22 seconds worldwide.

To eradicate this global killer that rages across the world, including in Canada, our efforts must be concerted, ambitious and sustained.

More importantly, we must talk about it. Why should we care about TB?

Our researchers, PhD students and health care professionals at the MUHC and Research Institute tell you why.

Share the word!

#WTBD2015 #ReachTreatCureEveryone #FightTB2015

Dr. Marcel Behr, Director, McGill International TB Centre, RI-MUHC

Amélie Fosso, Nurse clinician Tuberculosis program, MUHC

Dr. Madhukar Pai, Director McGill Global Health Programs

Denis Francis, Nurse clinician Tuberculosis program, MUHC

Stephanie Law, PhD student McGill International TB Centre, RI-MUHC

Dr Damien Montamat-Sicotte Research Associate, RI-MUHC

Robyn Lee, PhD student McGill International TB Centre, RI-MUHC
Dr. Srinath Satyanarayana, PhD student McGill International TB Centre