Our admin staff make all the difference!

It’s Administrative Staff Week, a time for us to recognize the treasured work that these employees do at the MUHC! This year, we’re especially grateful for the incredible work they have done to help us stay organized and strong during the pandemic. By taking on additional roles and performing new tasks, our 2000+ admin staff saw us through important changes that kept our patients and staff safe.

“It’s because of them that things are running so smoothly,” says Dominique Dupuis, interim manager of Talent Acquisition. “One of the most remarkable aspects about our administrative staff is that they understand the complexity of the healthcare system. They work very well in a complimentary manner with their team. In the unique context of COVID, I must take this opportunity to thank them for their incredible work at the MUHC."

Passionate team members

Administrative staff are often the first people that patients come across at the MUHC, whether over the phone to book an appointment, or inside the waiting room to sign in. They also act as team representatives by interacting with different departments on behalf of their teams. The work they do behind the scenes bears positive fruit on the frontlines.

Photographed here are some of our wonderful admin assistants within Nursing Administration!

“It’s more than just a job to me; I care to see my team succeed and I feel very motivated to contribute because my nursing executive team motivates me every day,” says Kimberley Ah-Sen, administrative assistant to the director of Nursing at the MUHC. With her signature bright spirit and conscientious attitude, Kimberley is recognized as an indispensable member of the MUHC community. In the last year, she contributed to incredible projects including temporarily relocating several research studies in order to vacate the Centre for Innovative Medicine (CIM) to care for COVID patients.

“The role that administrative professionals play within their team is very significant," says Kimberley. "It is something to feel proud of!”

A happy week to all!

To our wonderful secretaries, administrative assistants, executive assistants, receptionists, unit coordinators, technicians and other administrative support professionals, we wouldn’t be where we are today without you. Thank you for smiling behind your masks, and for fostering a warm and inviting atmosphere in our hospitals!

Interested in a career as an administrative professional at the MUHC? We have many positions available! Browse today at muhc.ca/careers