June 15, 2022: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15, 2022: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

In Quebec, elder abuse is a reality. The pandemic that we have experienced in recent years has highlighted the importance of acting collectively to prevent and counter abuse.

the purple ribbonEstabished by the United Nations in 2011, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15 is an ideal opportunity to emphasize the importance of adopting various measures aimed at recognizing, denouncing and intervening to counter elder abuse and improve the lives of older people. In addition, we can take advantage of this day to underscore the importance of promoting well-being for all!

Abuse in numbers

The report on elder abuse published by the Institut de la statistique du Québec in 2020, reveals that in 2019, nearly 6% of seniors living at home in Quebec reported having experienced at least one type of abuse in the 12 months preceding the survey. This represents some 79,000 Quebecers. Note that this figure excludes all situations of abuse experienced in long-term care facilities. This finding reinforces the importance of uniting and acting to prevent and counter elder abuse in our communities.

We invite you to wear the purple ribbon to show your solidarity and support in the fight against abuse.

Let's act together to fight abuse and promote well-being!