MUHC in the media- July 10, 2023

A glimmer of hope for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
A glimmer of hope for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Dr. Angela Genge, Director of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Clinic at the Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital, talks about the addition of the drug Albrioza to the list of exception drugs available to patients suffering from this disease, making it eligible for coverage by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec. La PresseCTV News

Inauguration of the OPTILAB-MUHC laboratory : a milestone for medical research
Inauguration of the OPTILAB-MUHC laboratory : a milestone for medical research

MUHC Associate Director of Procurement Hamadi Bahri and OPTILAB-MUHC Medical Director Alan Spatz are quoted in an article about the inauguration of the new OPTILAB-MUHC laboratory. They report on the benefits of this inauguration, both in terms of improving the service offering for various Quebec healthcare establishments, and in terms of improving healthcare and medical research. Hospital Management

Heatwave: working together to prevent tragedy
Heatwave: working together to prevent tragedy

With the warm weather, families prepare to spend quality time outdoors. To help prevent these moments from going awry, Debbie Friedman, trauma director at the Montreal Children's Hospital, issues this important alert. CTV News

Obstacles slowing down medical cannabis research
Obstacles slowing down medical cannabis research

Dr. Cecilia Costiniuk, a scientist at the RI-MUHC, is quoted in a Québec Science article outlining the main challenges facing medical cannabis research. The article also refers to a recent study by Dr. Antonio Vigano, which reported that medical cannabis is effective in reducing pain in cancer patients.

Demystifying STIs
Demystifying STIs

Open-mindedness about sexuality among young people brings greater freedom and power, but it also brins with it with an increased risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Dr. Giuseppina Di Meglio, an adolescent medicine specialist at the Montreal Children's Hospital, provides some useful information on the topic. Montréal enSanté

Hospitals speed-up time-to-table for heart attacks
Hospitals speed-up time-to-table for heart attacks

Dr. Marco Spaziano, interventional cardiologist and Dr. Jeremy Levett, cardiac surgery resident, spoke with Canadian Healthcare Technology about Stenoa, a cloud-based platform that streamlines critical care coordination, secure communication and real-time analytics across the healthcare system, from pre-hospital settings to tertiary and quaternary hospitals.

Travelling with a disabled child
Travelling with a disabled child

Any parent can tell you that going on vacation with children requires organization. But imagine the logistics, not to mention the luggage, when you go on vacation with a disabled child who depends on medical equipment to survive. The family of Montreal Children's Hospital patient Liam Défossés shares their story. Montreal Gazette