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We have found 35 results.
Do I have to pay for transport by ambulance?

Do I have to pay for transport by ambulance? Ambulance charges are your responsibility unless you meet certain criteria for free ambulance transportation. Such criteria include transportation to a hospital following a traffic accident, or when a doctor …

Are there guidelines for visitors to the hospital?

Are there guidelines for visitors to the hospital? The goal of MUHC visiting guidelines is to ensure that our patients receive the best balance of rest, care and support . The patient and family are considered partners in care.  It is important for the …

Where is the parking?

Where is the parking? Click on the links below to find information on parking at our various sites: Glen site Lachine Hospital Montreal General Hospital Montreal Neurological Hospital …

How do I get to the hospitals?

How do I get to the hospitals? Scroll down on the home page to see the Our Sites section of our website which provides this information. …

How can someone with mobility limitations or a disability get to the hospitals?

How can someone with mobility limitations or a disability get to the hospitals? Visit our Accessibility for patients with reduced mobility page for more information. …

How can I download the Opal App for cancer patients?

How can I download the Opal App for cancer patients? Opal is an integrated application that allows you to manage your appointments, check- in when you arrive at the hospital and receive a notification when you are being called for your appointment.   This …

Caregiver access to the Camille-Lefebvre Pavilion during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Caregiver access to the Camille-Lefebvre Pavilion during the COVID-19 Pandemic Family members, caregivers and visitors can now visit loved ones who are residents at the Camille Lefebvre Pavilion. In order to ensure the protection of our residents and …

Is it possible to have a phone or virtual consultation appointment at an MUHC clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Is it possible to have a phone or virtual consultation appointment at an MUHC clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic? Yes, it is possible. Depending on the reason or urgency of your appointment, your healthcare professional will assess your needs. If your …

What is a virtual consultation (teleconsultation)?

What is a virtual consultation (teleconsultation)? See  Resources for the patient and family  on the Réseau québécois de la télésanté website. …

What hospital entrances are accessible during the COVID-19 crisis?

What hospital entrances are accessible during the COVID-19 crisis? Access to hospital sites is currently restricted. Please use the following entrances: Glen site Adult (Bloc C/Bloc D): S1 and RC (ground floor) entrances Montreal Children’s Hospital (Bloc …