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Caregiver access to the Camille-Lefebvre Pavilion during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Caregiver access to the Camille-Lefebvre Pavilion during the COVID-19 Pandemic Family members, caregivers and visitors can now visit loved ones who are residents at the Camille Lefebvre Pavilion. In order to ensure the protection of our residents and …

What hospital entrances are accessible during the COVID-19 crisis?

What hospital entrances are accessible during the COVID-19 crisis? Access to hospital sites is currently restricted. Please use the following entrances: Glen site Adult (Bloc C/Bloc D): S1 and RC (ground floor) entrances Montreal Children’s Hospital (Bloc …

What is the MUHC visiting policy during the COVID-19 pandemic?

What is the MUHC visiting policy during the COVID-19 pandemic? The situation is evolving rapidly and adjustments are implemented as soon as possible. Family members that are offering essential support are permitted at all sites of the MUHC with the …

What about prenatal appointments or women who are giving birth during the COVID-19 outbreak?

What about prenatal appointments or women who are giving birth during the COVID-19 outbreak? During delivery and the subsequent postpartum stay: One (1) parent or dedicated person will be permitted to remain present provided that there is no risk of …