MUHC Referral Portal FAQ

Frequently asked questions

The MUHC Referral Portal portal is not for requesting follow-up appointments. 

The best way to schedule a follow up is to do it in-person at your clinic after your appointment. If you are not able to do this, please call the phone number you usually use to schedule these types of appointments with your specialist. 

To cancel or reschedule an existing appointment, please call 514-934-8488.

IMPORTANT: Your name will be taken off our waiting list for appointments if you:

  • postpone, cancel or refuse an appointment three times 
  • miss an appointment twice without a good reason

This policy follows the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Social Services.

  • You can call 514-934-1934 ext. 45605 for assistance Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.  
  • You can go in-person to one of our Patient Resource Centres to get help from the librarians.  

A confirmation message will be sent to the email address you give us. Look for an email from:  [email protected]. In the email, you will receive a ticket number. This number is the reference for your request. 

You will receive an email from: [email protected] and it will tell you that your consult has been refused. As well, your referring physician will be notified and asked to follow up with you.

Please call 514-934-8488 for assistance. Make sure you have your ticket number with you when you speak to the agent.

This is called a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart). It is a security measure used on websites to know if a form is being submitted by a real human or a robot.

Once you check the box next to "I am not a robot", you have two minutes to click "Submit" before the CAPTCHA expires. If you take longer than two minutes to click "Submit", you will get an error message. If this happens, refresh the web page and click "Submit" within two minutes of clicking "I am not a robot."  

This error message means that the "I am not a robot" CAPTCHA has timed out. Once you click "I am not a robot", the CAPTCHA gives two minutes to click "Submit". If more than two minutes passes, the CAPTCHA expires. 

The Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services is phasing out the use of fax for patient referrals. As such, we recommend you use the MUHC Referral Portal to send in your request. This will give you a confirmation of receipt message and a ticket number.

The wait time for a call for a first appointment at the MUHC varies. Your request will be reviewed and, if accepted, given a medical priority. It could take up to six months for an agent to call you with an appointment. 

If you know which department tried to call you, please consult our list of clinical departments and services to find the right contact information.  

A change of address will not affect your appointment. 

If you already have an MUHC file, please go in-person to one of our Admitting Offices to update your personal information and hospital card before your appointment. 

Your pharmacy can communicate with your physician in most cases for a renewal. If your medication cannot be renewed, please follow up with your family physician. 

You will be contacted by someone from your clinic. If no one contacts you, no tests are needed.