MUHC in the Media - October 28, 2024

Two new studies examine how vaping during adolescence affects the lungs and heart
Carolyn Baglole, PhD, Scientist in the Translational Research in Respiratory Diseases Program at the RI-MUHC, and RI-MUHC PhD student Vincenza Caruana, spoke about two recent studies that provide evidence that vaping at a young age may increase the risk of heart disease later in life, especially in men. CTV Montreal, CJAD 800, CityNews, L’Actualité, Noovo Info, The Pinnacle Gazette

Consultation requests at the MUSIC center have skyrocketed over the past five years
Last week, the McGill University Sexual Identity Centre, more commonly known as MUSIC, celebrated its 25th anniversary. This event provided a valuable opportunity to highlight the center's achievements and consider the challenges ahead, including the pressing need to obtain national recognition from the government. Dr. Karine Igartua, psychiatrist and co-founder of MUSIC, gave a lengthy interview on Radio-Canada's Pénélope radio program. Several themes related to sexual orientation and identity were thoroughly explored. Penelope

Public information meeting of the HOP Lachine project: update on construction work
An update on the completed, ongoing, and upcoming work related to the expansion project of the Lachine Hospital took place in Room A of the Camille Lefebvre Pavilion on Wednesday, October 23, at 7 PM. Citizens and residents, whether present in person or participating virtually, had the opportunity to learn about the progress of the work. Claude Lemieux, project manager, then provided a report on this meeting during an interview on Sarah Marandola's show on CBC Radio One, which aired on Thursday, October 24. Let’s go. An article was also published regarding this public session meeting, on the Nouvelles d’ici website.

Public consultation on time change
In the wake of the consultation announced by the Quebec government on the possibility of abolishing time changes, Dr. John Kimoff, Medical Director of the MUHC Adult Clinical Sleep Laboratory and the Sleep Laboratory at the RI-MUHC, spoke to CTV News about the impacts of this practice.

Allergies: for a safe Halloween
Celebrating Halloween with children suffering from food allergies can seem complicated. Dr. Christine McCusker, Director of the Allergy and Immunology Division at the Montreal Children's Hospital, offers some advice. Montreal Gazette, CJAD

Sexual assaults in a youth centre: lack of training to blame?
Nine educators at a Montreal youth centre are suspected of having had sexual relations with teenagers under their supervision. The reported events show that the educators were not equipped to recognize the issues and behaviours associated with complex trauma, indicating a lack of training, argues Dr. Cécile Rousseau, a psychiatrist at the Montreal Children's Hospital. CBC
She also gave an interview about the interest many young American men have in Donald Trump. 98.5 FM

Demystifying complex regional pain syndrome
Complex regional pain syndrome is characterized by pain disproportionate to the initial lesion. While the majority of children suffering from this condition heal quickly, treating the others is a challenge that Dr. Pablo Ingelmo, Director of the Centre for Complex Pain at the Montreal Children's Hospital, and his team are brilliantly tackling. Le Spécialiste

“Walking pneumonia” on the rise

Is enough being done for people with obesity?
Most Quebecers feel that the government is not doing enough to support people suffering from obesity. Dr. Julie St-Pierre, pediatrician at the Montreal Children's Hospital, explains. La Presse Canadienne

Staying informed and connected to the world around us can be anxiety-inducing
Our desire to remain informed can sometimes lead us to develop an appetite for consuming negative information, which can have repercussions on our mental health. This phenomenon, known in English as "doom scrolling," can lead to emotional fatigue and increasing anxiety. To counter these negative effects, Jennifer Russell, psychologist and Head of the Psychology Department at the MUHC (adult sites), recommends to wisely choose the moments when we expose ourselves to this type of news to preserve our psychological well-being. CJAD