MUHC in the Media - October 30, 2023

Ultrasound soothes Parkinson's
Ultrasound soothes Parkinson's

A Montreal neurosurgeon is putting into practice a new treatment for tremors in people with Parkinson's disease. "It's about increasing the heat in the abnormal neurons that generate the tremors. You have to destroy them. By destroying them, we can see on magnetic resonance where the lesion is produced and at the same time, we can do the physical examination to see the result," explains Dr. Abbas Sadikot, neurosurgeon at the Neuro, who has performed this type of procedure some fifty times. 

A blood test to detect cancer?
A blood test to detect cancer?

MUHC oncologist Dr. Nathaniel Bouganim and RI-MUHC researcher Julia Burnier join other experts who offer their opinions on the potential use of a blood test for cancer screening. La Presse