MUHC in the media- July 24, 2023

When law and medicine unite for children's health
At the Montreal Children's Hospital, there's a solution for families dealing with legal issues affecting a child's health: free access to the services of a lawyer, available on-site at the hospital. This medico-legal partnership is the only one of its kind in Quebec, says Me Aude Exertier, lawyer at Justice ProBono. Radio-Canada,Global News

Early life lung development has an impact on the risk of premature death, study suggests
According to a prospective study conducted at the RI-MUHC and recently published in the European Respiratory Journal, people with smaller airways relative to the size of their lungs - a condition called dysanapsis - could die sooner than others. Dr. Benjamin Smith is the senior author of the study and a scientist in the Translational Research Program in Respiratory Diseases at the RI-MUHC. Medical Xpress, Futurity

Electric scooters cause concern
Electric scooters are now accepted on Quebec bike paths. However, there are more injuries due to the use of this mode of transportation, and they are more severe, explains Glenn Keays, trauma researcher at the Montreal Children's Hospital. Global News

Cycling despite severe scoliosis
Emma, aged nine, has severe scoliosis. This restricts her movements and it's difficult to loosen the vertebrae that have stuck together, explains Dr. Jean Ouellet, orthopedic surgeon at the Montreal Children's Hospital. Despite this, the young girl has achieved a major feat: riding her bike. She liked it so much that she agreed to be the spokesperson for the Pedal for Kids 2023 fundraiser. TVA Nouvelles