MUHC in the media- June 12, 2023

The MUHC adopts platform to provide faster treatment for heart attacks
The Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory has partnered with Stenoa, a start-up company led by Cardiac Surgery Resident, Dr. Jeremy Levett, to integrate a cloud-based platform that streamlines critical care coordination, secure communication and real-time analytics across the healthcare system, from pre-hospital settings to tertiary and quaternary hospitals. Le Devoir, Hospital Management

How do we define death?
Clinical practice surrounding the determination of death after arrest of circulation or neurologic function in Canada is now supported by new guidelines that provide a unified brain-based definition of death. Dr. Sam Shemie, a researcher at the RI-MUHC and a specialist in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, led this work that was published in a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. La Presse, Radio-Canada, Le Soleil, Novoo Info

New dialysis training centre in Waskaganish brings hope to diabetes patients
Nephrologists at the MUHC have collaborated with the Cree Board of Health to help open the Home Dialysis Training Centre and Respiratory Clinic in Waskaganish. Ispeyimuunikaitmikw – the Hope Centre – will allow patients to conduct peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis treatments from the comfort of their homes. Penticton Herald

Cycling despite severe scoliosis
Emma, aged nine, has severe scoliosis. This not only restricts her movements, but also her breathing, as Dr. Aurore Côté, pulmonologist at the Montreal Children's Hospital, explains. Despite this, the young girl has achieved a major feat: riding her bike. She liked it so much that she agreed to be the spokesperson for the Pedal for Kids 2023 fundraiser. Global News

Montreal spared brunt of forest-fire smog — for now
Costa Voutsinas, a respiratory therapist at the Montreal General Hospital, noted that medical staff have not noticed an uptick in patients in respiratory distress in the last few days despite the smog alerts issued for the city. Montreal Gazette

What to think about intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting, which consists of alternating periods of eating with periods of abstaining from food, seems to be gaining in popularity. Stéphanie Chevalier, PhD in nutrition and researcher at the RI-MUHC, says that intermittent fasting can lead to weight loss, but that more studies are needed to find out whether it helps lose weight other than by limiting the number of calories consumed. La Presse