How to get to the Lachine Hospital
The Lachine Hospital entrance is located at 650, 16th Avenue in Lachine (corner of Rue St-Antoine).
Arriving by car
From Autoroute 20, take the 32nd Avenue exit, take 32nd Avenue to Provost, turn left on Provost and then turn right on 16th Avenue.
Parking is available by entering at the St-Antoine entrance.
People with a vehicle displaying a disabled parking permit can park in the spaces reserved for that purpose in the visitor parking lot located near the emergency entrance on St. Antoine Street.
People may be dropped off/picked up at the hospital main entrances on 16th Avenue or St-Antoine Street. Vehicles must then either park in the parking lot or leave the premises. All entrances, exits and roads must be free of vehicles for safety and security reasons.
The City of Lachine is permitted to issue parking tickets for vehicles illegally parked on Lachine Hospital grounds.
If you are visiting the Lachine Hospital Emergency Department (ED), enter on St-Antoine Street to access the parking lot closest to the ED main entrance.
For the safety and security of the patients and their family, the speed limit on hospital grounds is 10km per hour.
Parking rates*
Rates change every April 1st according to a fee schedule established by the Government of Quebec. The following rates apply as of April 1st, 2024:
Less than 2 hours | Free |
2 hours to 3 hours 59 minutes | $4.25 |
4 hours to 24 hours | $7.75 |
Lost ticket | $7.75 |
7 days | $33.25 |
30 days | $66.50 |
A frequent user is an out-patient who frequently visits the hospital by car for their appointments or treatments a minimum of ten (10) times per month.
7 days | $16.50 |
30 days | $33.25 |
Flexi 10 visits | $20.00 |

Cash or by debit or credit card, Visa or MasterCard
Automated payment machines at entrance on Saint-Antoine Street

By debit or credit card, Visa or MasterCard
Barrier gate at exit (hourly parking only)

Office 0J4
514-934-1934, 77001
Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Passes can be purchased at our Parking Customer Service Office, located at 0J4. Please call ahead to make an appointment: 514 934-1934 extension 77001.
*These parking rates do not apply to staff.
**Certain conditions apply. Duly completed form is required.
Where does parking money go?
As per government directives, our parking lots and services are self-financed. Parking revenues are used to repay the cost of construction, maintenance, staffing, etc. Any excess revenues go into the hospital operating budget in order to support patient care, including the purchase of hospital equipment, etc.
Public transportation to get to the Lachine Hospital
If you are arriving by metro/bus:
From Lionel-Groulx metro station: Get off the metro at the Lionel-Groulx stop. Take the 491 bus to Provost and 10th Avenue. Walk down Provost and turn left down 13th Avenue.
From Angrignon metro station: Get off the metro at the Angrignon stop. Take the 198 bus to Provost and 16th Avenue. Walk down 16th Avenue.
For more information on public transportation call 288-6287, or dial 514-AUTOBUS. You may also consult the STM web site at