Update on our budgetary situation

As you know, the MUHC achieved very good financial results in 2018-2019. Thanks to efforts made in several sectors of activity, budgetary discipline and additional revenues received from the MSSS at the end of the year, we made significant progress towards a balanced budget.  I have indeed highlighted our achievements and congratulated our teams for their sustained efforts in this regard.

For 2019-2020, the MUHC received a savings target to be achieved through continuous improvements and performance gains, as did all institutions in the health and social services network. Our target is approximately $12.5 million.

However, after three fiscal periods, the MUHC has a cumulative deficit of more than $9 million. These results are very preliminary, but are a warning signal. In many respects, our financial performance is enviable and compares favourably with that of comparable institutions. Still, we must continue our efforts to use optimal practices in certain areas of activity where our performance is lower.

All clinical teams must work together to achieve our improvement targets, ensuring greater pertinence in care and services, and savings in supply contracts and other areas. Optimal practices will enable us to combine increased access and quality of services with cost savings.

In addition, some revenues should be confirmed in the coming months, thanks in part to major developments in care and services included in the Ministry of Health and Social Services' (MSSS) 2019-2020 budget. Given that a significant part of the deficit is related to new molecules against cancer, we also hope for additional funding from the MSSSfor these expenses.

All institutions, even the most efficient, have sectors that require a review of their practices. Every effort will therefore be made to enable the MUHC to complete the 2019-2020 fiscal year as close as possible to balanced results.

Dr. Pierre Gfeller, MD CM MBA
President and executive director
McGill University Health Centre
