Successful inauguration of the OPTILAB-MUHC laboratory: A major step forward for health care and medical research at the Jewish General Hospital

We are delighted to announce the successful inauguration of the OPTILAB-MUHC laboratory at the Jewish General Hospital (JGH) last Wednesday! The atmosphere was warm and friendly, with staff enthusiastic to welcome this new high-tech facility.

"The inauguration of this new biochemistry platform marks a major milestone in the improvement of health care and medical research, and highlights several strengths of the OPTILAB-CUSM: the importance given not only to automation, but also to the recruitment of specialized personnel, the synergy between the various OPTILAB-CUSM sites, the successful co-management of the medical and clinical-administrative departments, and the competence and dedication of our teams," said Dr. Alan Spatz, Medical Director of the OPTILAB-CUSM. “I would like to thank each and every member of our staff for supporting us throughout this project."

The event was attended by numerous guests, including Lucie Tremblay, Associate CEO of CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, Dr. André Dascal of the Infectious Diseases Division at the JGH, as well as other members of the JGH administration, the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and Roche.

“This transformation required a great deal of teamwork and, at times, patience and perseverance on everyone's part," said Enzo Caprio, Clinical-Administrative Director of OPTILAB-MUHC. “Our goal was to improve the quality of our services and reduce the time it takes to obtain test results. With this new equipment, we have succeeded. Our staff's ongoing dedication to patient care is remarkable, and they can all be very proud of their achievements."

The OPTILAB-MUHC cluster includes medical biology laboratories established in several regions of Quebec, and serves the following establishments: McGill University Health Centre, CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, CIUSSS West Island, CISSS de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux du Nunavik and Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay.

The MUHC Procurement team collaborated with OPTILAB-CUSM to ensure the purchase and delivery of equipment for the JGH laboratory.

"Since the MUHC's procurement department is responsible for acquiring equipment, supplies and services for all sites in the OPTILAB cluster, our contribution has a direct and multiplier effect on improving the service offer of several Quebec healthcare establishments at the same time. It is a privilege to be able to leverage the multidisciplinary expertise and collaboration between the Procurement and Logistics Division and OPTILAB to enhance patients’ experiences during their hospital stay," said Hamadi Bahri, Associate Director of Procurement at the MUHC.

The day began with a preparatory meeting, followed by a ribbon-cutting ceremony and a guided tour of the OPTILAB central laboratory, where guests were shown around the state-of-the-art facilities. This was followed by a ceremony and a delicious lunch at the Resto-carrefour (Carrefour Lea-Polansky).

Enzo Caprio also thanked Isabelle Fillion and the team at Roche, supplier of the laboratory's diagnostic instruments, for their invaluable support during every phase of the project.

Lucie Tremblay, Dr. Alan Spatz, Enzo Caprio and Dr. André Dascal gave inspiring speeches, thanking the laboratory staff and emphasizing the importance of this modernization for the Montreal community and, more particularly, for JGH patients.

Stay tuned for more information on the exciting advances that will take place in this new high-tech laboratory!


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