A safer cafeteria

In order to comply with the instructions and directives of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, and to provide a safe environment for patients and staff, we are limiting access to the eating areas on our sites.

The cafeterias at the Glen site, the Montreal General Hospital, the Lachine Hospital and the Neuro are now mainly reserved for staff members during their meal break. Therefore, in order to respect physical distancing measures, we ask patients, their families and/or caregivers to avoid using these spaces as much as possible. We recommend that patients with appointments, and those accompanying them, bring a snack and water when coming to our sites.

If you must use the cafeteria, please be aware of the important infection control rules that have been put in place:

  • Wash your hands when arriving and leaving.
  • Clean the table before use.
  • Respect social distancing (2 metres) at all times.
  • Do not move the tables or chairs—even for members of the same household.
  • Remove mask only for eating and drinking—immediately put your mask back on when finished.
  • Clear your tray when you are finished eating and leave the cafeteria.

We are stepping up our monitoring of cafeterias and on-site restaurant seating areas to ensure the safety and security of all. 

We are aware that the current situation is difficult for families. As we continue to go through these difficult times together and do our utmost to ensure that our patients and staff can benefit from the best possible conditions, we ask everyone to work with us in a spirit of mutual understanding and respect.

Infection prevention and control is everyone’s business!

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