New impulse for the Quebec Metastatic Breast Cancer Registry
The Registry, which is an initiative of the McPeak-Sirois Group under the leadership of Dr. Sarkis Meterissian, is expanding thanks to the financial support of the Canadian Cancer Society.

The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and the McPeak-Sirois Group (the Group), announced today that they have joined forces to help grow the Quebec Metastatic Breast Cancer Registry (the Registry) initiated by investigators of the Group's executive scientific committee.
The main goal of the Registry is to develop a resource to advance metastatic breast cancer research and care by providing researchers with access to crucial patient data. The Registry will essentially facilitate data collection and sharing in a way that has never been done before in Canada, which could improve the situation of people with breast cancer and save more lives.
Launched in 2021, the pilot phase of the Registry is coordinated by the McPeak-Sirois Group under the responsibility of Dr. Sarkis Meterissian, a surgical oncologist at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), and financially supported by four pharmaceutical companies and the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation. It also has the full support of the Quebec Cancer Screening Program run by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and has already recruited 100 patients at the MUHC, the Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM), and the CHU de Québec-Université Laval.
According to Dr. Meterissian, who is also an associate investigator in the Cancer Research Program at the Research Institute of the MUHC and a professor at McGill University, "this Registry is a unique opportunity to both learn how patients with metastatic breast cancer are treated in Quebec and to obtain concrete evidence of the effectiveness of new therapies. It will provide essential data for conducing new clinical trials and is a major step forward in improving breast cancer therapies in Quebec”.
With the CCS providing $2.5 million in financial support over five years, the Registry will first be extended to the seven other member hospitals of the consortium, and any new member will be invited to participate. The Registry will then be open to all types of breast cancer in Quebec.
Read the news release