Hand Hygiene Day Competition: The winners are...

At the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), infection control is everyone's business! Since 2018, an annual hand hygiene competition has rewarded the teams with the best results. 

"Infection prevention and control attempt to minimize the spread of infectious diseases, thereby reducing the risk of infection to patients, visitors and staff. and we know that hand hygiene is the simplest and most effective measure for infection prevention, " explains Anaïck Briand, senior advisor in Nursing at the MUHC.
The competition is organized by the steering committee of the Controlling Specific Infection - Successful Strategies (CSISS) program, an interdisciplinary team made up of patient partners and representatives of various departments, including nursing, adult and pediatric infection control, hygiene and safety, quality and multidisciplinary services, as well as transportation, among others.

Care units at all MUHC sites were challenged to achieve the highest hand hygiene compliance rates for the period between April 28 and May 25. The current hand hygiene audit process was used to determine the champion team at each site.

"The purpose of this healthy competition is not only to remind everyone to wash their hands on a regular basis, but also the importance of overall hand hygiene," says Anaïck. "The competition motivates all participants to try to achieve and exceed the 80 percent compliance target requested by the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) and the World Health Organization (WHO). In the end, this is a fun activity that celebrates the good results of the teams. "

This year's winning teams are:

Congratulations everyone!