World Cancer Day: challenges and resilience

World Cancer Day: challenges and resilience

World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on February 4! It is a day meant to bring awareness to the disease, its prevention and detection, as well as its many treatments.

It is also a SPECIAL day to show our support to the many people touched by cancer.

As you are all aware, the last two years have been challenging for all of us. People affected by cancer, in particular, were not spared from the impacts of the pandemic. We acknowledge how difficult it has been for many of you: the anxiety and stress, the social isolation and the lack of support and the insecurity about having access to timely treatment or to their care team, when needed. These are just few examples of the challenges you faced.

However, challenges push us to surpass ourselves. As healthcare professionals, we had to work even more closely together and think creatively to ensure the safety of our cancer centre, and more importantly, to continue to offer our services to you. 

On behalf of the MUHC Cancer Care teams, we salute our patients and their families on this World Cancer Day.