“We are thinking of you”

“We are thinking of you”

“We want COVID patients to know that we are thinking of them,” says Catherine Barnes, a secondary 5 student who mobilized her friends and members of her community to hand craft Get Well cards for patients being treated for COVID-19. Over 450 cards have been delivered to the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) for distribution to patients, and there are more on the way. Participants included children as young as six years old and the elderly. “When people come together at a bad time, good can come from it,” says Catherine.

The cards were distributed on the COVID units at the Montreal General and the Royal Victoria Hospitals by social workers and nurses. “The cards bring smiles to the faces of the patients,” says Helene Jones, manager of Social Services of the MUHC adult sites. “We’ve put them in windows so that patients can see them every day.” The cards were also appreciated by those working on the units. “Staff were touched by the kind gesture and the messages of inspiration written on the inside,” says Helene.   

Thank you to members of the MUHC community, like Catherine, for thinking of our patients and staff during this challenging time. 

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