CHAMPIONS in Occupational Therapy

Jaclyn Stevenson, occupational therapist
Jaclyn Stevenson, occupational therapist

When you speak from the heart, you use the language of CHAMPIONS. Jaclyn Stevenson, an occupational therapist, faced a language barrier with a patient on the COVID unit and reacted in a truly beautiful way. Colleague Kendra Berry saw what happened and was moved to write about it in an email to their mutual colleagues and supervisors:

“Today I witnessed something beautiful and heartwarming that I wanted to share. Jaclyn was performing a swallowing eval with a pt on the covid unit. There was a language barrier, so Jaclyn contacted the family and placed them on speaker phone. I believe this was the first contact that they had with the patient. Their voices were filled with love, gratitude and relief. It brought tears to my eyes. Jaclyn, you gave them such a gift. On each of your units, your gestures are having positive impacts on patients and their families. I am inspired by your bravery, dedication and perseverance. Very proud of my entire OT department. Let’s keep chasing these rainbows.

- Kendra

A copy of Kendra's original e-mail to teammates about Jaclyn.

Top: Kashif Baig, manager of Occupational Therapy, Adult Sites Bottom: Kendra Berry, occupational therapist
Top: Kashif Baig, manager of Occupational Therapy, Adult Sites
Bottom: Kendra Berry, occupational therapist

When Kashif Baig, manager of Occupational Therapy, Adult Sites, read Kendra’s account, he was filled with joy: “The poise and calm demonstrated by Jaclyn is remarkable, especially considering how busy she is,” says Baig. “Jaclyn had the empathy and resourcefulness to balance her clinical need for a translator with the patient’s emotional needs. The fact that this was brought to my attention by Kendra makes me even more proud; it shows how my team celebrates each other’s victories.”


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