Dr. Pierre Gfeller wins the Prix Performance 2019 from the School of Management Sciences (ESG UQAM)

Dr. Gfeller

This prestigious prize is awarded to three remarkable alumni who have demonstrated exceptional career leadership, perseverance and success. The award was presented last night at the 29th edition of UQAM’s Gala Prix Performance at the Montreal Science Centre.

For decades, the Gala Prix Performance has honoured more than 100 of its alumni who have made a positive impact on their respective fields. Dr. Gfeller is delighted to have been recognized, along with the other recipients, for his management of various healthcare networks.

After graduating in 2000, Dr. Gfeller spent several years as Director General of the CSSS Antoine-Labelle. In 2012, he was nominated Director General of Sacré-Cœur Hospital, and shortly after, in 2015, at a time when the healthcare system was undergoing a massive transformation, he was nominated President and Director General of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (CIUSSS). Finally, in 2018, he began his mandate as President and Executive Director of the MUHC.

He credits his MBA for the skills he developed as a leader and healthcare administrator. “Of all the students in the program, we were only two in health care! The time I spent with my peers from the private sector was eye-opening. We may have different managing styles, but at the end of the day, we all need to make similar decisions and manage risks.”

With over 25 years of leadership and management experience, Dr. Gfeller explains that one of the most rewarding aspects of his job is having the opportunity to mentor young professionals. “The next generation is full of promise and motivation. My hope is that I can help them identify and perfect their strengths rather than focus on their weaknesses.”

On behalf of the entire MUHC community, congratulations Dr. Gfeller!
