MUHC in the Media - October 16, 2023

At just 39, she has a liver that's... 108 years old 
At just 39, she has a liver that's... 108 years old 

Audrée Descheneaux was just 19 years old when she received the liver of an octogenarian to keep her alive. Now a mother of three and an athlete, she hopes to keep this organ, which is ... 108 years old. "What's unique about the liver is that it's able to renew itself," points out Wendy Sherry, clinical nurse for organ and tissue donation at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). Transplant surgeon Dr. Prosanto Chaudhury adds that, with a healthy lifestyle, there's nothing to stop the liver from reaching 150 years of age. Journal de Montréal

Heart cancer exists, but is very rare
Heart cancer exists, but is very rare

Drs. Nathaniel Bouganim and Ramy Saleh, both oncologists at the MUHC, talk about the rare types of cancer that can affect the heart, and why they are difficult to treat. La Presse

How do you talk to children about war?
How do you talk to children about war?

In view of recent events in Israel and Palestine, children may have questions. How do you approach the conflict with them? Connie Scuccimarri, pediatric psychologist at the Montreal Children's Hospital, explains. CBC

A new HPV detection test is slowly making its way in Canada
A new HPV detection test is slowly making its way in Canada

Dr. Lucy Gillbert, director of gynecologic oncology at the MUHC, comments on the importance of deploying a more accurate HPV test than the PAP test, in an article from The Globe and Mail.  She is also quoted in The Montrealer, in an article about the annual Cedars Run for Ovarian Cancer, an event organized to raise money for the DOvEEgene Research Program, This research project, led by Dr. Gilbert, has led to the development of the DOvEEgene genomic PAP test, made to detect ovarian and endometrial cancers in their earliest stages, and save lives.

Green light for installation of 900 defibrillators in Quebec
Green light for installation of 900 defibrillators in Quebec

To save more lives, Quebec will install 900 new automated external defibrillators (AEDs) across the province. Even an untrained person can use the defibrillator by following the device's visual and audio prompts, which guide them through every step of the process," says Dr. Jacques de Champlain, emergency physician and trauma team leader at the McGill University Health Centre. La Presse+

What does a shortage of Ozempic mean for people who take it?
What does a shortage of Ozempic mean for people who take it?

A national shortage of Ozempic is causing concerns for local health care providers. Daybreak host Sean Henry speaks with Doctor Natasha Garfield, an endocrinologist at the McGill University Health Centre.

Respiratory viruses: what to expect this year?
Respiratory viruses: what to expect this year?

The flu, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus season should be less severe this year, says Dr. Earl Rubin, director of the Infectious Diseases Division at the Montreal Children's Hospital. Montreal Gazette