MUHC in the Media - November 13, 2023

More mothers in their forties
More mothers in their forties

Women are having children later than before, which is not without risks, notes Dr. Richard Brown, director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the McGill University Health Centre. Le Journal de Montréal

Can common diabetes medications lower the risk of dementia?
Can common diabetes medications lower the risk of dementia?

Research has shown that diabetes and dementia are sometimes related. Dr. Stella Daskalopoulou, a scientist the Research institute of the MUHC, explains that some antidiabetic medications can lower the risk of dementia. WebMD

Linking fathers' mental health to children's development
Linking fathers' mental health to children's development

Tina Montreuil, Ph.D., a researcher at the RI-MUHC and senior author of a study recently published in Frontiers in Psychology, talks about the importance of studying the influence of fathers' mental health on their children's development. CTV Winnipeg

Cases of congenital syphilis on the rise
Cases of congenital syphilis on the rise

Congenital syphilis (i.e. transmitted from pregnant women to their babies) is on the rise in Quebec, even though the prevalence of the disease in the province is one of the lowest in Canada. Certain populations without easy access to healthcare are more vulnerable and it can have serious consequences for the children affected, says Dr. Christos Karatzios, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at the Montreal Children's Hospital. La Presse canadienne