MUHC in the Media - May 13, 2024

New technology to treat cardiac arrhythmia
New technology to treat cardiac arrhythmia

The MUHC is the first healthcare centre in Quebec to offer pulsed-field ablation in a minimally invasive procedure to treat the most common form of cardiac arrhythmia. Find out more about this new technology in this interview with Dr. Atul Verma, Director of the MUHC Division of Cardiology, in La Presse and City News

National Nursing Week
National Nursing Week

A career in nursing was always an obvious choice for Alexis Parent, now an Adult Nurse Practitioner in Medical Oncology at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). Interview with Sean Henry of CBC Day Break for the National Nursing Week.

La vie continue: a documentary series on cancer
La vie continue: a documentary series on cancer

A number of experts from the MUHC and the RI-MUHC took part in Savoir Média's documentary series on cancer, which highlights major advances in screening, treatment and patient well-being in Quebec. In Episode 1, Jean-Jacques Lebrun talks about his work on triple-negative breast cancer. In Episode 2, Drs. Jonathan Spicer, Nicole Ezer and Francesco Carli talk about the advances that are improving the lives of lung cancer patients.

Be cautious with your outdoor activities
Be cautious with your outdoor activities

Dr. Cristian Toarta, MUHC Emergency Physician and Associate Director of Emergency Services, points out that emergency rooms are busy at this time of year, partly because many people return to outdoor activities and are not always cautious. Listen to the radio interview given on Let's go last Friday.

Dooring: the risks of a traumatic injury
Dooring: the risks of a traumatic injury

As the cycling season gets underway, so do the risks of dooring. Listen to Dr. Jehane Dagner explain the possible risks of a dooring accident in this CBC Radio Noon interview.

How do you repair a conflictual relationship with your mother?
How do you repair a conflictual relationship with your mother?

This Mother's Day, Dr. Jennifer Russell, psychologist and head of the MUHC's Department of Psychology (adult sides), suggests a few ways to re-establish communication, valuing the relationship, remaining open to conflict resolution and creating positive memories.  CJAD

Dengue fever cases are increasing
Dengue fever cases are increasing

Dr. Cédric Yansouni talked to Radio-Canada about the rise in reported cases of dengue fever among Quebec residents. Because the dengue virus is circulating more widely around the world, particularly in Central and South America and the Caribbean, travellers to these regions are at greater risk of contracting the disease.

"Meningococcal infection can be fulminant and fatal," says Dr. Donald Vinh
"Meningococcal infection can be fulminant and fatal," says Dr. Donald Vinh

Dr. Donald Vinh, a specialist in infectious diseases at the MUHC, spoke to La Presse about this bacterium found in the respiratory tract, which can lead to a variety of serious infections. La Presse.