MUHC in the Media - August 21, 2023

The first pill for post-partum depression
The first pill for post-partum depression

Zuranolone, the first pill specifically developed to treat post-partum depression, has just been approved in the United States. This is an exciting and promising step, says Dr. Tuong Vi Nguyen, a reproductive psychiatrist at the McGill University Health Centre. CBC

Medical writing: caution warranted if using ChatGPT
Medical writing: caution warranted if using ChatGPT

Researchers from CHU Sainte-Justine and the Montreal Children's Hospital recently asked ChatGPT 20 medical questions. The chatbot provided answers of limited quality (median score of 60 per cent), including a dozen actual errors, and 69 per cent of the references were fabricated, show the results of their study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital HealthDr. Esli Osmanlliu, co-author of the study, emergency physician at the Montreal Children's Hospital and scientist at the RI-MUHC, urges researchers to be vigilant. CityNewsCJAD, CHED

Montreal researchers join international study of rare disease Friedreich's ataxia
Montreal researchers join international study of rare disease Friedreich's ataxia

Dr. Massimo Pandolfo of the Montreal Neurological Institute is among the experts collecting research about Friedreich's ataxia, a condition that causes progressive mobility limitations as well as other issues, including cardiac problems. The Canadian Press

Young woman with rare cancer waits for RAMQ to fund out-of-province clinical trial
Young woman with rare cancer waits for RAMQ to fund out-of-province clinical trial

Dr. Ramy Saleh, oncologist and medical director of oncology research at the MUHC, is trying to help his patient, a young mother with a rare sarcoma, join a potentially life-saving clinical trial in Calgary. CBC Montreal