MUHC in the media - April 24, 2023

A genetic mutation found to cause chronic lung disease in indigenous children
A genetic mutation found to cause chronic lung disease in indigenous children

Dr. Adam Shapiro, a researcher at the RI-MUHC and pediatric respirologist at the Montreal Children’s Hospital (MCH), is the senior author of a study that found four cases of a rare disease called primary ciliary dyskinesia in unrelated indigenous North American children, caused by identical mutations in the gene DNAL1. The discovery, published in The Journal of Pediatrics, could explain why indigenous children have greatly increased rates of respiratory infections and chronic lung disease. Dr. Shapiro spoke about it to La Presse and CTV News.

Gun violence in the streets has impacts in the city's hospitals
Gun violence in the streets has impacts in the city's hospitals

Dr. Jeremy Grushka, a trauma surgeon at the Montreal General Hospital, spoke to the Journal de Montréal and expressed his concern about the impact of gun violence in hospitals.

The importance of research in AI
The importance of research in AI

In an open letter co-signed by many other contributors, Dr. Esli Osmanlliu, an emergency physician at the MCH, calls for closer collaboration between the research community, developers, the industry, and civil society to support public policymakers in the governance and regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). Le Devoir

Advances for children with epilepsy
Advances for children with epilepsy

Some syndromes that cause epilepsy in children are difficult to treat with traditional gene therapy. New treatments are emerging and there is reason to be optimistic, says Dr. Kenneth Myers, a neurologist at the MCH. Knowable Magazine

The importance of research on rare genetic diseases  
The importance of research on rare genetic diseases  

Dr. Don Vinh spoke to The Canadian Press about the importance of diagnosing, studying and treating rare genetic diseases, which are no less important because they are less common. Radio-Canada, Noovo

Flu virus more prevalent in early spring

Dr. Vihn also talked to Maya Johnson on CTV News about the presence of the flu virus and Streptococcus A bacteria, the latter potentially leading to flesh-eating bacteria in rare cases.

Preventing teen suicide
Preventing teen suicide

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers in Canada. Le SPOT Montréal, at the MCH, is there to help, say psychologists Stephanie Belanger and Mafalda Porporino. Montreal Community Contact

Mental health: how to help your teenager?
Mental health: how to help your teenager?

Psychologists Connie Scuccimarri, Catherine Serra-Poirier and Yves Beaulieu, from the MCH, give some advice to parents on how to improve their relationship with their teenager. Montreal Community Contact

In memory of Charles Scriver
In memory of Charles Scriver

Charles Scriver, one of Canada's best known medical genetics specialists, passed away on April 7. During his career, he practiced at the Montreal Children's Hospital (MCH) and the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC). He was the resercher who discovered that a lack of vitamin D caused rickets, and it is thanks to him that producers add it to milk today. Montreal Gazette

Cancer: demand for genetic testing on the rise
Cancer: demand for genetic testing on the rise

Genetic testing to determine which women are at increased risk for cancer and how to treat those who already have it is in high demand, says Laura Palma, a certified genetic counsellor at the MUHC. CBC 1CBC 2