Information for healthcare professionals

MUSIC often works collaboratively with other health care professionals involved in the care of a particular patient, with the patient’s express consent. Feel free to contact us about whether our services could be adapted to your individual client. Please note that consultation in our unique non-sectorized clinic does not constitute a prise en charge by the MUHC.

Our commitment to education

Training of other health care professionals is an important part of our commitment to improving the quality of health care in the larger community. MUSIC can provide a variety of training opportunities for students and graduates of health care programs. Also, the professionals at MUSIC teach at the undergraduate and graduate level of McGill University and Université de Montréal. Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to set up a training elective in MUSIC or have us give a lecture or presentation in your setting.

Our commitment to research

MUSIC is involved in research projects that help us to understand the experience of our clientele and to better shape the mental health services we provide for them.