Instructions for the Egg Donor

Before becoming an egg donor, please take the time to read the following information to make an informed decision:

The Checklist for Directed Egg Donation, will help you understand the treatment.  Please be aware that the entire process leading to the egg collection can take 6-8 months. 

Note: potential egg donors are required to complete a series of tests. Although initial tests may be done in an outside laboratory, we recommend that tests be done at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC Glen Site). Furthermore, pre-donation tests (i.e., tests done 2 weeks before the start of treatment) must be done at the MUHC Reproductive Centre. 

1. Initial consultation with the physician

This consultation will provide you with information on what egg donation entails, the responsibilities of being an egg donor and the potential risks associated with treatment.  The necessary appointments, tests and forms will be explained at this time. The following steps (1.1 to 1.4) must be completed before your follow-up consultation with the physician:

All patients participating in third-party reproduction must consult with a psychologist. The psychologist's role is to provide support throughout the decision-making process, ensuring you are well-prepared for the journey ahead.

Following your initial appointment at the MUHC Reproductive Centre, we invite you to schedule a session with a psychologist who specializes in third-party reproduction.

Typically, the recipient reimburses the egg donor for the consultation with the psychologist.

A baseline vaginal ultrasound is performed on Day 2 to 5 of your cycle as part of the fertility testing. 
The baseline vaginal ultrasound is done at:

Glen Site
1001 Decarie Blvd.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasound
6th floor of Block C, Room C 06.4351

Bring the test requisition to your appointment.

Blood and urine tests for infectious diseases and hormone levels are part of the basic screening. These tests can be done on the same day as your baseline ultrasound appointment. The baseline blood tests are done at:

Glen Site Blood Test Centre
1001 Decarie Blvd.
2nd floor of Block D (south side) Room D 02.2307

Bring the test requisition to your appointment.

In preparation for your follow-up consultation with the physician, please print, complete, and sign the following documents:



2. Follow-up consultation with the physician.

This consultation will be to review the results of initial tests and screening. 

If no further tests are required and all documents listed under 1.4 Treatment Forms have been signed and submitted, you and your recipient will be added to the egg donation waiting list.  

Please allow 1-2 months for a nurse to reach out with additional instructions. 


3. Calendar preparation

The nurse will plan your treatment calendar, based on your menstrual cycle and our availability.  See Sample Egg Donor Calendar.

The calendar will indicate the estimated number of ultrasounds and the approximate egg collection date.


4. Pre-donation screening visit

Before starting the in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, you will need to make one more visit to the clinic. This visit entails: 

The screening visit can only be done at the MUHC Reproductive Centre. You will receive the test requisition and the Pre-Donation Screening Form on the day of the appointment.


5. Start of IVF treatment

In general, the IVF treatment takes 10-14 days.

You must be accompanied on the day of the egg collection.

On the day of egg collection, the sperm of your recipient’s partner or donor sperm will be used to fertilize the eggs retrieved.

Any resulting good-quality embryo(s) will be frozen (cryopreserved) for the intended parent(s).

Occasionally, some donors need to return to the clinic a few days after the egg collection for a follow-up ultrasound. This is usually the case when many eggs are collected.  Otherwise, you will have completed the egg donation process.


We acknowledge the generosity of your donation and look forward to planning your treatment. 

Last Updated: October 15, 2024