Annual General Meeting of the MUHC Users’ (Patients’) Committee: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 from 6 to 8 pm

Where ? Where ?

via Zoom

When ? When ?

Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - 18:00 to 20:00

Description Description

To all MUHC Users (Patients), families and caregivers !

You are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the MUHC Users’ (Patients’) Committee: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 from 6 to 8 pm, via Zoom


  1. Welcome
  2. Presentation of the 2022-2023 Annual Report (see attached
  3. Presentation and ratification of the MUHC UC Governance Bylaw (see attached
  4. Question period

To register: 

Please send any questions before 6 pm on June 12 to [email protected], so that they can be answered during the meeting. If there is time remaining once the written questions have been addressed, the committee will be happy to answer questions arising from the presentation.

Contact information Contact information

For more information: please contact the MUHC Users’ (Patients’) Committee: [email protected] or (514) 934-1934, ext. 31968.