Access to healthcare for members of the Deaf community: an introduction

Where ? Where ?


When ? When ?

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 13:00 to 14:00

Description Description

As part of Users’/Patients’ Rights Week 2021

The MUHC Users’/Patients’ Committee is hosting a Zoom presentation entitled:

Access to healthcare for members of the Deaf community: an introduction

This presentation provides background information about the special needs of Deaf patients (who use sign language) in accessing healthcare services.  A brief illustrated introductory video will be presented, followed by details about how to use sign language interpreters effectively.  Resources and information about using in-person or virtual interpretation services will also be provided.  

Research supported by the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) Users’/Patients’ Committee, a subcommittee of the MUHC (Central) Users’/Patients’ Committee


Paige MacDougall (PhD)
Director of Research,
Canadian Deafness Research and Training Institute (CDRTI)

James MacDougall (C.M., PhD. C. Psych)
Associate Professor,
Department Psychology, McGill University

Time: November 10, 1 to 2 pm

Zoom link:

Contact information Contact information

Users'/Patients' Committee of the MUHC
McGill University Health Centre
(514) 934-1934, 31968 
[email protected]

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