The MUHC adopts new ethics framework

Ethics frameworkOn May 6, the Board of Directors adopted MUHC's first Ethics Framework. Soon after, Accreditation Canada referred to the Ethics Framework as an important MUHC success in the context of their recent visit. 

What is an Ethics Framework?

It is an institutional document which describes everything the MUHC does to prevent and manage situations with an ethical dimension. These situations can arise in clinical, research, innovative care and organizational settings. More specifically, the Ethics Framework presents the MUHC's ethics vision, approach, roles and responsabilities as well as method for ethics analysis.

How is the Ethics Framework useful?

The Framework can be useful to anyone who wants to know more about being involved in ethics analysis and on services offered to the MUHC community by the Centre for Applied Ethics (CAE). Although it refers to different practical tools, the Framework is a high level document that illustrates the MUHC's engagement and expertise in ethics rather than an everyday tool. Practical tools are available on this website and others will be made available shortly.

As ethics is each and everyone's responsability, we invite you to read the Ethics Framework today and share it with your team!