Running for Women’s Mental Health

Did you know that there is a direct and positive link between running and mental health? In fact, any aerobic exercise such as running benefits anyone suffering from a mental illness (and enhances mental health as well) in several ways.

Run for WomenFirst, a regular exercise routine is critical in ensuring overall health and well-being and, in fact, numerous studies have shown that aerobic exercise can have the same effect on brain chemistry as taking antidepressant drugs and participating in structured therapy. Even more impressive: PET scans indicate that running can increase the level of serotonin in the brain, which is a key treatment for depression. Running in groups is also a stress reliever because it tends to break down barriers so that people can share stories and challenges that they might not share with friends and family members.

For women, this is even more important.

That’s because women are three times more likely to suffer from depression than men and research has shown that one out of every four women will experience some form of depression during their lifetime.

The Pharmaprix Run for Women was created to contribute to alleviating these enormous challenges among Canadian women. This past June, over 1,000 runners were on the starting line in the Montreal stop of this 15-city initiative and, by the end of the event, over $100,000 was raised. The funds will benefit three important projects; the first being our reproductive psychiatry programs which offer clinical care and research for women dealing with mental health issues across the reproductive lifespan, from PMS to menopause, including issues that may arise during and after pregnancy as well as perinatal loss. 

The second project will help women who deal with borderline personality disorder by running psychoeducation groups for women and their families. These groups will provide communication and problem solving skills trainings, tools to navigate stressors, social support and networking opportunities.

Thirdly, funds raised will also ensure access to treatments such as Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: a non-invasive brain stimulation that has been proven to be effective in treating depression and other conditions.

The Pharmaprix Run for Women provided a tremendous platform to raise awareness for mental health. 

Race participant and MGH Foundation President, Jean-Guy Gourdeau, saw it this way: “We ran for the fun of it and, although I am going to have sore legs tomorrow, it was worth it. We are excited by the level of participation and amount we raised for this cause.”

We encourage you to get involved! To donate to our Mental Health Mission, please visit our website



source :  Pharmaprix Run for Women;