What is H1N1?
December 1st, 2009 H1NI flu is a new type of flu. It first appeared early in 2009 in Mexico. In the early days of the pandemic, H1N1 flu was sometimes called swine flu. This is because the genetic makeup of the virus includes several genes found in a form …
Reducing the Risk
December 1st, 2009 To reduce the risk of getting H1NI or of infecting others, follow these simple rules: Wash your hands often, especially after visiting a place where people may have H1NI; If you are coughing or sneezing, wear a mask if you visit a …
H1N1 Vaccination
December 1st, 2009 The MUHC has received an initial supply of H1N1 vaccine to cover MUHC healthcare workers and high-risk hospitalized patients. We are expecting more doses in the coming days to fully cover the needs of these targeted populations. Our …
Health professionals at the McGill University Health Centre lab are deluged with testing H1N1 samples
November 28th, 2009 More than 1,800 patients have found themselves in Quebec hospitals suffering from H1N1 since the start of the pandemic, including 240 admitted to intensive care units, with 100 of those on respirators. As many as 300 samples a day have …