General information regarding the MUHC family presence and visitation policy:
- The visiting hours are from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Families are welcome at any time. Quiet hours are from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. You will be invited to leave by 9 p.m. to allow your loved one to rest and heal.
- Flexibility is provided for people at the end of life or in other situations deemed exceptional.
- In most units, patients may receive up to two (2) caregivers or visitors at a time. Please note that restrictions apply in oncology and the transplant unit because of the vulnerability of these patients (see section below).
- For positive COVID-19 patients, and/or in the event of an outbreak on a unit, additional restrictions can be applied.
- Family rooms on patient care units are available for use. We thank you for keeping the environment clean and tidy. Tables and microwaves should be cleaned after use.
Children at adult sites
- Siblings and visiting children under the age of 12 are welcome in most areas of the hospital (except oncology).
- Children must be directly supervised at all times by an adult who is not the patient.
- Certain exceptions apply:
- Only one (1) child under the age of 12 at a time.
- ICU: Notify in advance for visits to intensive care units.
- Hemato-onco and Transplant Unit: by exceptions only.
- Inpatient Psychiatry Units (both adult and pediatric): children younger than 12 years of age may not be permitted to visit depending on the activity of the unit (vulnerability of the patients on the unit e.g. immunocompromised) at the time of their visit. This will be determined by the management and healthcare team of the unit.
COVID-19 outbreaks on MUHC hospital units
The MUHC is asking visitors to avoid or postpone, if possible, a visit to a patient on a unit that is affected by a COVID-19 outbreak.
By reducing the number of visitors on our units that have outbreaks, you are contributing to the safety of our patients, our employees and yourself.
If you have any questions, please contact your loved one's unit.
Site | Unit | Date of outbreak | Outbreak status |
Specific instructions for certain departments:
You have a PHONE APPOINTMENT scheduled:
- Your doctor will call you on the day of your appointment.
- Someone may accompany you to your appointment. We ask that you limit the number of people with you to ONE.
- When you arrive at the clinic or day hospital, you and anyone with you will be screened for flu-like symptoms, including fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, nasal congestion and runny nose.
- We depend on you to be honest when answering our screening questions. This allows our staff to take the necessary steps to ensure everyone's protection. If you have flu-like symptoms, please consult the next section.
You have symptoms of flu, COVID-19 or other respiratory infections IN THE DAYS BEFORE YOUR IN-PERSON APPOINTMENT:
- You must call the clinic BEFORE coming to your appointment. The physician or healthcare professional will determine if your appointment can take place as scheduled or should be postponed.
- If you have symptoms of flu, COVID-19 or any other respiratory illness, wear a procedure mask while in patient areas, disinfect your hands and respect the measures in place to help protect you, your loved ones and staff.
5252 de Maisonneuve
Please note that there are no food services available at 5252 de Maisonneuve. If, for medical reasons, you must eat while you wait, please bring a snack.
Specialized transport service
If you use specialized transportation, or are coming from another care centre, you must be accompanied. There will be no one available from the clinic to take you from the entrance to the location of your appointment.
We know how important it is for a loved one at the end of life to be surrounded by family during those last moments. Flexibility is provided to facilitate the presence of loved ones during the last moments. For more details, please refer to the care unit manager.
- Family and visitors may be asked to leave the bedside of the patient when the patient requires care or when shifts change. If this is the case, family and visitors should wait in designated areas.
- Children may be allowed in this unit, but permission must be sought in order to prepare for the visit.
- Before coming to the hospital, we invite you to communicate with the unit.
- One visitor at a time.
- Wash your hands when you arrive and leave.
- If you are sick, please wait until your symptoms are gone before visiting.
- During the procedure, please wait in the waiting room. You can see the patient 15 minutes after their treatment.
- No food at the bedside.
- Keep cell phones on silent and make calls outside of the unit.
- Be respectful and keep noise to a minimum.
- Children under 12 may visit upon request.
Click here for more information about the visiting policy at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.
Due to the high vulnerability of patients on the cancer care units, other visiting restrictions may apply.
- Before coming to the hospital, we invite you to contact the unit.
Antnatal and postnatal: Generally, up to four (4) significant persons, will be permitted in the unit, including the partner, as well as siblings and children above the age of 12 (no non-sibling below the age of 12).
Birthing Centre
Two (2) significant persons, including the partner, will be permitted in the Birthing Centre (only one (1) person is permitted in the operating room). No children allowed.
*Caregiver: A person who provides significant assistance or support, on an ongoing or occasional basis, to meet the needs and well-being of a loved one. Support can take many forms—for example, assistance with personal care, emotional support or organizing care.
**Visitor: It may be a person known to the person being cared for with whom contact is occasional and not essential to his/her physical and psychological integrity. A person who does not fall under the definition of a close caregiver.
Overnight stay
A family member can stay overnight and sleep on the couch in your room at the Glen site. At other sites, please ask your nurse what arrangements can be made.
For more information, please contact Social Services:
- Adult patients: 514-934-1934 ext. 31569
- Montreal Children's Hospital patients: 514-412-4455
Each floor has a family room for people visiting patients. The rooms are equipped with a kitchenette and armchairs.
Staying connected
We are able to help families stay connected with their hospitalized loved one. See below to find out how to:
If you would like to stay connected with someone who is hospitalized but does not have access to a tablet a smart phone, it is possible to contact the nursing station and to schedule a telephone call.
Connecting via telephone
There is a phone available by the bedside in every patient room. Your loved one can call you directly from this phone. You can also call them by following these steps:
Option 1: I don’t know the phone extension for my loved one’s room | Option 2: I know the phone extension for my loved one’s room |
1. Dial 514-934-1934. 2. Choose option 3. 3. Give the operator your loved one’s full name and ask for the extension for their room or ask to be transferred directly to the room. | 1. Dial 514-934-1934. 2. Choose option 1. 3. Enter the 5-digit extension. |
If your loved one cannot answer the telephone, you may contact the hospital unit where they are staying (for example, short-term stay unit, ICU, etc.) and ask for an update from your loved one’s nurse.
We ask that you choose one family member to be the point person who contacts the unit.
To contact the unit:
1. Dial 514-934-1934.
2. Choose option 3.
3. Ask the operator to either give you the extension for your loved one’s unit or ask the operator to connect you directly.
4. Once you reach the unit, provide your loved one’s name and room number and ask to speak to their nurse. If your loved one’s nurse is not available, you may leave a message with your contact information and request a call back. You can also ask to speak to the nurse-in-charge.
Tip: It is better to call the unit at certain times of the day
Best times to call | Times to avoid (shift change times) |
We kindly ask that families designate one person to act as the spokesperson.
What to expect when coming to the MUHC
To protect the right to privacy, the right to image and the right to dignity of patients, families, visitors and staff, the MUHC has adopted a policy concerning the taking of photos and videos by patients, families and visitors.
If you wish to film or take a picture, or record a conversation, you must make sure that you have obtained the consent of the persons appearing in the image.
In some situations, you will not be able to film or take a picture, for example if the recording involves medical information (of a computer screen, file excerpts, etc.), if it is detrimental to the proper course of care or safety, or if it violates the dignity of a user. Please respect the staff's request and stop taking pictures.
For more details, you can also consult the policy Photographs, video captures and recordings by patients and visitors.
The MUHC communications team believes that it’s important to use social media in a responsible, professional and ethical manner.
To keep the conversation positive and enjoyable for everyone, we ask that all comments and replies remain respectful, constructive and follow our Netiquette. Read more