MUHC in the News | October 11 -16, 2016

 American astronaut Nicole Stott and patientsMCH patient art is out of this world!

On Wednesday, October 12 2016, American astronaut Nicole Stott and patients from the Montreal Children’s Hospital created drawings that will be incorporated into a NASA space suit. The Director of the Arts in Medicine Program at the University of Texas MD Anderson, Ian Cion, has been collaborating with NASA to create these space suits as part of an art project. There have been two suits made so far and this third one will be made in partnership with pediatric patients in the headquarter cities of the Space Agencies who partnered to build the International Space Station, specifically Cologne, Moscow, Tokyo, and Montreal. For more details, visit Global News and CTV News.

3-parent babies3-parent babies: who’s eligible and what’s ethical?

With the announcement of the birth of the first baby using a controversial technique combining three people’s DNA, questions are swirling around exactly what the procedure entails and the consequences. Global News spoke with Dr. William Buckett, the medical director of the MUHC Reproductive Centre, to find out more.


